Other dCrops Frequently Asked Questions

This section will address frequently asked questions from dCrops players in the Discord Server.

A total of 70 Hive should get you started with the above packs.

Alternatively, you could also just get single NFTs at [https://www.dcrops.com/market]

  • 1 Average Farmland

  • 1 spring seed - broccoli

  • 1 summer seed - turnip

  • 1 fall seed - carrot

  • 1 winter seed - peas

The above listed should amount to 25-30 Hive [allow for +/- in price]. If invest for both Packs and Single NFTs [70 Hive + 30 Hive = 100 Hive] , you will get started very nicely.

A dialog Box will open on your dashboard.

You will receive a TRANSACTION BROADCASTED SUCCESSFULLY. Close dialog box (X) and refresh dCrops website [sometime the Hive-Engine may delay, refresh until pack counts In-game. Do not repeat deposit action only IF it says FAILED]. Go-to https://www.dcrops.com/open and open your Alpha pack.

The Above DEPOSIT process is the same for withdrawal, only here, you Click on WITHDRAWAL

The Above ALPHA PACK Process applies for CROP TOKEN and BETA PACK, deposit and withdrawal respectively.

Last updated